Mirco Music Fonds

The Booster Festival likes to encourage play opportunities and local initiatives. The Micro Music Fund was created to make small-scale performances more feasible for organizers from Enschede. So if you have a pub where you want live music, you are a musician who wants to organize a band night or any other music lover with a stage, then this fund is perfect for you.

Thanks to the municipality of Enschede, the Grensgeval Foundation has been provided with a sum of money to support small-scale performances of musical acts on artistic stages in Enschede with micro budgets. An application takes a maximum of 15 minutes, and the organizer receives a commitment or rejection within a week.

Basically, anyone can apply. You do not have to be a foundation or other legal entity to do this. Private individuals may also apply.

A few other conditions do apply:

  • The organizer is based in Enschede or organizing in Enschede.
  • The organizer must have programmed at least 95% artists playing their own work in the past. DJs do not count when assessing this condition.
  • A budget can be requested for up to 2 artists per event.

You can apply for:

  1. Artist support: get reimbursed up to half of an artist’s fee. (€5000 available)
  1. Hospitality support: get reimbursed up to half of an artist’s hospitality costs. Alcohol is not reimbursed. (€500 available)
  1. Accomodation support: get reimbursed for the full accommodation costs of an internationally touring artist. If the artist is staying at someone’s home, €10 per person is available. (€1000 available)

These are small budgets. There is no maximum on the application, but the focus is on contributions from €0 to €300. Larger amounts may apply, but this will be considered by the reviewers in the commitment.

It is possible to apply for both artist, hospitality and accommodation support money at the same time.

If an application meets these requirements, it is submitted to a group of independent locals with an affinity for the Enschede music scene and with organizational knowledge. They look at whether the application fits the purpose of the fund, whether the doubling of the grant actually improves the content of the program and whether that justifies the amount of the contribution. Furthermore, the number of applications made by the same organization within a given time is also taken into account.

Within a week of applying, the organizer receives commitment or rejection.



You can request an amount through the following link: